DONATION RESOURCE // Mars Hill Arts Center

Have you ever looked inside your craft box and thought to yourself, what on Earth will I ever use these for? Maybe you have a pack of pipe cleaners or googly eyes, or maybe even a whole stack of construction paper? Well have we got news for you - we’ve located the perfect place for you to put all of your crafting supplies to good use!

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The Container Store
8 Tips for a Digital Declutter

Alright, you may have tackled the clutter in your closet or plight in your pantry, but what about the chaos on your computer? Your ever-growing email inbox? The photos on your phone? You all know what I’m talking about...that little red bubble indicating the number of notifications we have for an app that just seems like it’s constantly growing. Believe it or not, this adds to our stress level more than we realize. So, how on earth do we tackle our technology?

Lucky for you, I’ve got 8 tips and tricks to help you declutter your devices!

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The Container Store
DONATION RESOURCE // Outreach Indiana

Who were your role models growing up? Maybe you looked up to your parents or grandparents, an aunt, a teacher, or maybe your neighbor down the street? I’m sure someone comes to mind for you, and you could probably tell me countless ways they’ve impacted how you live your life today.

Mary Voigt had some incredible role models growing up, sparking a passion to provide that same sense of support for others. She has been given the perfect opportunity to do so in her role as Communications Manager at Outreach Indiana, a local organization seeking to provide hope for youth and young adults experiencing homelessness. While Mary has been such a positive light, she has received more in return than she ever expected.

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The Container Store
Four. Years.

Goodness…four years have passed in the blink of an eye. Even through a twin pregnancy, maternity leave, and a pandemic, we have persevered and year five is bound to bring even bigger and brighter things. In fact, with some of the things we have in the works, I KNOW this is going to be our favorite year ever.

As I reflect on the last four years, I think back to the moment of walking into my secure, full-time job in Spring 2017 and letting them know I was going to take a chance on myself and head down the path of entrepreneurship. They were incredible as they let me continue on in a part time capacity while I took time to get the foundation of my business set prior to launch.

From there, it was roughly two years of client sessions, product plans and organized bliss prior to finding out we were pregnant…and surprise…with twins. I felt lucky to work until 36 weeks along, at which point I found myself with two weeks to get ultra-organized in my own space. And I documented it all here.

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The Container Store
The Ultimate Guide to Organize + Stylize Your Dorm Room

Now that the littles are back in school, it’s time to prep for sending your older ones off to college! Whether this is their first year leaving the nest, or they’re returning for yet another fun year on campus, these tried + true tips are sure to help get them started off on the right foot!

With Maria as a professional organizer, and myself as a recent college grad, we have put our heads together to compile what we deem the ultimate guide to organize + stylize your dorm room. Here are a few tips from the pros…

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The Container Store
DONATION RESOURCE // Brides Against Breast Cancer

You go shopping for the perfect dress, look stunning on your big day, and then what? Likely you pack your wedding dress away to preserve it, maybe thinking your daughter will wear it one day. But nine times out of ten, daughters don’t wear their mother’s or grandmother’s gowns because they either don’t fit them or they are too outdated. We spend all of this time and energy preserving these gorgeous dresses just so they can take up space in our closets, never to be worn again.

What if there was a way to not only save space in our closets, but also make a powerful impact? Cue the lovely organization: Brides Against Breast Cancer. Founded in 1997, their mission is to provide early detection education while supporting breast cancer research efforts through their wedding dress donation program.

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The Container Store
How to Have a Healthy Relationship with Your Possessions

Have you ever been so close to donating something, and are suddenly overwhelmed with guilt? Maybe you tell yourself, “This was a gift from so and so - I can’t get rid of it!” Or maybe it was an heirloom passed down from your grandmother? Or an item you spent a little too much money on so you feel that you have to hang on to it? If you’ve ever experienced any of this, you are not alone!

A few months back I had the honor of doing an interview with Indy Maven on this exact topic, so I thought I’d give you a glimpse into the article with some of my extended answers!

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The Container Store