Just Get Started!
One of the benefits of working with a professional organizer is the ability to kick-start a project into gear. My approach when working with clients is to just get started.
Here are a few tips to make the process easier, whether you have a helping hand or are tackling a room on your own:
1. VISUALIZE how you want the space to look once it has been cleared of unwanted items – maybe you’ll treat yourself to a candle, turn on your favorite tunes (Leon Bridges is top of my list right now) and relax with a book. Maybe not, but do think of the sanctuary that you deserve your home to be. What does that space look like? How will you use it? Breathe easy knowing you are just a few hours away from this reality.
2. When starting, CHOOSE A CATEGORY of items that don’t hold a ton of sentimental value. This will vary from person to person, but consider starting with office supplies, kitchen tools or that stash of electronics that has been gathering dust since the early 2000’s.
3. If you find yourself emotionally or physically exhausted, TAKE A BREAK. This work is no joke, but I do find that once you get on a roll, it can be SO much easier to make quick decisions. That’s why we leave those sentimental categories for last.
I’ve had the chance to work with amazing clients since launching my business and wanted to show you a couple of those projects.

With each of these spaces we decided not invest in any special tools, containers or shelving to organize the space (aside from my trusty label maker). We worked with what we had and started by focusing on getting rid of unwanted or unnecessary items (I’m looking at you, expired goodies). From there, we got creative with things on hand to make the space more functional for these busy families (likes a bowl in the pantry to create a “Grab & Go snack station”).
If the idea of starting feels like it just doesn’t fit into your current life stage or you want an organized space but don’t know where to begin, I’d love to help.